This summer: Videos coming up!

I haven't really ever been using my YouTube account for more than watching other people's videos, but that is going to change this summer.

I have tried to make videos where I film myself, but I really really hate watching videos of me unless it's me being silly with friends. I basically hate watching anything with me in it. That may be because of my bad self esteem (that luckily isn't as bad anymore), but I really want that to change. I want to be able to see myself and just accept what I see. 

So this summer I have planed to make a lot of videos about Japanese culture when I go to Japan with my boyfriend and friends. This time I have people to help me film, so it's going to be much easier. By the way, my boyfriend has a YouTube account, and he actually has over 2,000 subscribers! That is crazy! He is really good at making videos, so if you're into Minecraft you should check it out :D
Check his channel out here - FrapperDK.

Since my boyfriend and I have been talking about going to Japan for half a year, I have gotten a lot of great ideas from the many YouTubers that I watch. I really really hope that my plan is going to work so that I can show you guys some awesome things about Japan! :)

She who loves Japan on YouTube:
Check out my YouTube account here.

翻訳: これまで、ユーチューブはあまり使わなかったけど、今年の夏は日本でビデオを作るつもりだ。ビデオは自分自身を見ることは全然好きじゃなくても、ビデオを作りたい。ビデオでは日本の面白いことについて話したいと思う。これから、頑張る!


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If you can dream it, you can do it. - Walt Disney


Welcome to my blog about my life and my interest in Japanese culture. Here you'll find posts about what I do, my inspiration, fun facts, and other things. Enjoy!